Sunday, May 27, 2007

Poway Park & Kate day 10

Last weekend we took the kids to Poway park, about 10 minutes from our house. It's a beautiful park, in the downtown Poway Historical district, and they have a real train there, that's over 100 years old. The train takes you on a "trip" around the park, under all these shady trees. It's a very pretty and peaceful place. The boys also like to go because there are usually crawdads and polliwogs in the stream.

(Checkin' out the little fish and polywogs in the's funny to think that practically everything is a first for Kate!)

We made the mistake, though, of going to eat at the Hamburger Factory that's right there. Kate is on a mainly liquid diet, and we ordered her a chocolate shake, and brought along applesauce and a little pudding cup. No. Hand over the hamburger and those onion rings, and I mean, now. Right now! We won't be going out to eat again until Kate is back on a regular diet.

Kate seemed to like the train. A little boy we were sitting next to kept looking at the tape above her lip. I said, 'she has a very interesting mouth, doesn't she?'. He nodded and then smiled at me. "It was a lot more interesting a week and a half ago." His mom smiled and asked about her surgery and her adoption, where she came from, and how she seemed to be doing. I find that people are very interested, in a nice way, when they see that we're very matter-of-fact about her surgery and how she came to join our family.

Do you just love this gentle little hand on Brendan's cheek?

Someone's starting to get sleepy. This is day 8 after surgery...the tape above the lip helps protect the stitches when wiping her nose or mouth, and adds a bit of support in case she gets bumped in the mouth.

Here we are on day 10. I don't really wear the tape much falls off everytime I eat or take a shower anyway...just like a band-aid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was possible, but she gets more and more pretty by the day!

Love the little pony tails. They are perfect with her perky personality.

Thanks for the new photos. Love to all.....Phyl