Monday, June 11, 2007

Kevin's work party

Kevin had a work party down at the bay Saturday. Thank goodness I ran back upstairs to grab sweaters and sweatshirts, because it was very breezy down there. Well, there were hot dogs and lemonade and potato salad, but Kate discovered the chocolate chip cookies. They looked home-made and were very yummy. Kate agreed.

It's funny how even on a breezy day, if you put a chocolate chip cookie on the cement picnic table, it's warm enough to melt the chips.

Baby wipe, please?

This picture was from today (Monday) Kate is a bit under the weather, with a mild fever. She's been very clingy and grumpy, and didn't eat well at all this morning. At lunch however, she ate pretty, well, then promptly fell asleep, with a piece of bagel in her hand. I couldn't resist taking her picture, before getting her down.

I wiped her off and scooped her up and she looked up at me just for a moment, and closed her eyes again. I don't get to hold her asleep very often. (She is only able to sleep in her crib. If I hold her, she will just stay awake!) I relished looking down at her sleeping face, all nuzzled against me.

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