Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Referral Photos of our new baby girl!

On Sept. 22nd, we accepted a referral of a 'baby' girl in China. Her name is Chang Qiu Lu. Her "last" name of Chang, because she is from the capital city of Changchun. Her first name is Qiu (Chee-oo), which means Autumn, and Lu meaning path. We later realized that Sept. 22nd was the day of the Autumnal Equinox....the first day of Autumn.

This is my favorite picture of Qiu Lu (Kate). It's the first picture I ever saw of her, and I could not stop looking at her eyes. I just wanted to reach out, pick her up, and nuzzle and kiss her chubby little cheeks and neck. She is so precious, this picture still captivates me.

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